
Emilio Benedetto (エミリオ・ベネデット, Emirio Benedetto?) is Alex Benedetto's younger brother and the most recent addition to the Destroyers.


Emilio kid

Emilio is an average young guy, of Black and Asian heritage. He has a small amount of hair on his chin, studs in each ear and a noticeable x-shaped scar above his left eye. He wears the typical Destroyers jacket over his clothes.


Emilio appears to be quite 'normal' compared to his chaotic Destroyers teammates. He seemed quite shocked by Erica's slaughter of Twilightss outside of "Bastard"[2] and mentioned that "splatter films" weren't really his thing.[3] Even more still, he looked physically sick when Striker began abusing Connie.[4] He is also glacial, sullen, and dangerous too.


Emilio is Alex's younger brother. The two of them lived together outside of Ergastulum, in East Gate.[5]



Despite being part of the Destroyers, Emilio doesn't appear to be particularly strong. However, he hasn't been shown properly in action, so his true strength is unknown.



  • Considering he is a member of the Destroyers, one would assume that Emilio is a superhuman normal. However since Alex is considered a normal, whether Emilio is a normal or a superhuman normal is a mystery, he can also be considered similar to the previous two Destroyers: Maverick and Minimi as his reasons were joining was his deep hatred for Twilightss (Maverick) and the desire to avenge and/or protect a sibling (Alex/Abel, Maverick's older adoptive brother).
  • Emilio recognized Alex's voice when she was singing at Bastard's.


  1. GANGSTA. AnimeEpisode 09.
  2. GANGSTA. Manga — Vol. 4 Chapter 21.
  3. GANGSTA. Manga — Vol. 4 Chapter 22.
  4. GANGSTA. Manga — Vol. 7 Chapter 35.
  5. GANGSTA. AnimeEpisode 08.